Deploying a NextJS app directly via the build process
Upload NextJS's out folder to your remote server's application path at `npm run build` time
Install 2 packages as development dependencies (will be set to devDependencies in the same package.json that's used for the NextJS application): I realize we're having the same package.json file for the NextJS application and the nodeJS script - that's not an issue, just make sure that the nodeJS packages we're using for this upload functionality are saved as dev only.
npm i node-scp dotenv --save-dev
Create a .env file with the following details :
I am using OpalStack where each application's root path is pre-set to ~/apps/appName, so my REMOTE_FOLDER is /home/myUsername/apps/myNextJSApp - but for most other hosting companies, it'll be something like /home/myUsername/public_html
Next, create an upload.mjs file in the root directory as the NextJS app - we need to save the file as a .mjs file though since we can't set "type": "module"
in package.json file which is being used by NextJS also. Enter into upload.mjs :
import * as dotenv from 'dotenv'
import { Client } from 'node-scp';
var remote_server =
host: process.env.HOST,
port: process.env.PORT,
username: process.env.USERNAME,
password: process.env.PASSWORD,
// forceIPv4: boolean,
// forceIPv6: boolean,
// privateKey: fs.readFileSync('./key.pem'),
// passphrase: 'your key passphrase',
const upload = async () =>
const client = await Client(remote_server);
console.log("Uploading .... ");
await client.uploadDir(process.env.LOCAL_FOLDER, process.env.REMOTE_FOLDER);
console.log("Upload Done");
catch (e)
Now edit the package.json file to include this :
"build": "next build && next export && node upload.mjs",
After you've tested your app via npm run dev
, you can now run npm run build
and it'll build and export followed by uploading your out folder (which is the default NextJS's build folder) to your server's NextJS path.